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The Symposium of Evaporative Air Cooler Technology and Application Under the "Dual Carbon" Target, Sponsored by Evaporative Cooling Air Conditioning Working Committee of CRAA, Was Concluded Satisfactorily


2022 China Refrigeration Exhibition

August 3rd, 2022 China Refrigeration Exhibition came to a perfect end in Chongqing International Expo Center. The Symposium of evaporative air cooler technology and application under the "Dual Carbon" target, sponsored by Evaporative Cooling Air Conditioning Working Committee of CRAA, was concluded satisfactorily.

Evaporative Cooling Air Conditioning Technology and Application Under the Goal of "Dual Carbon"

August 2nd, Shi Min, Honorary Presidents of CRAA, was invited to attend and give a speech on the Symposium of evaporative air cooler technology and application under the "Dual Carbon" target. Huang Hualing, director of evaporative cooling air conditioning working committee of CRAA and chairman of Aolan, hold the meeting.

Chairman Shi Min said that evaporative cooling technology will play an important role in the work of the refrigeration industry to achieve the goal of "Dual Carbon". At the same time, he pointed out that it is necessary to expand the application range of evaporative cooling technology in the refrigeration industry and combine it with more forms of refrigeration equipment to play a role in a broader industry.

Aolan (Fujian) Industrial Co., Ltd. and Hefei General mechanical and Electrical Products Testing Institute Co., Ltd. sent representatives to make reports at the meeting.The report focuses on evaporative cooling principles, standards, energy-saving technologies, and applications in different climates, providing valuable guidance for the development of evaporative cooling technology.

Guo Gaiying, General Engineer Assistant of Aolan, made a report entitled "energy saving application and analysis of indirect evaporative cooling technology". And discussed the research and development of Aolan indirect evaporative cooling technology and products in the field of energy saving in data center.

During this period, He Huaming chief engineer of Aolan also participated in the Carbon Neutrality Refrigeration Technology Development Forum, Sub Forum of "development route of data center cooling technology in the context of carbon neutrality", Shared the development route of evaporative cooling technology for data centers in the context of carbon neutrality.

After the operation of Aolan evaporative cooling energy saving scheme in a data center in Henan , the measured results show that the maximum energy saving rate in a single month is more than 90%, The average annual energy saving rate can reach 48%; In a data center in Jiangsu, the monthly energy saving rate can reach more than 40%. These cases fully illustrate the importance of evaporative cooling technology in reducing PUE .

Focus On Innovative Quality and Low-carbon Health

Focus on innovation, quality and low-carbon health is the theme of this exhibition and the mission that Aolan has always kept in mind.

Aolan is committed to improving evaporative cooling technology, combining a variety of cooling technologies, formulating energy-saving plans, and applying them to data center rooms across the country,It is believed that the development and wide application of evaporative cooling technology will greatly reduce the PUE of data center room, which will play an important role in promoting the early realization of China's "Dual Carbon" goal.




